Thursday, October 12, 2006

Warm-Up 2

Sorry I'm a bit late with this … I've been on a business trip.

What to Do for Warm-up 2

Think of five sentences you might write in the letter which you write as a result of your first phone call.

Post your five sentences as a Comment on this post.


In other words, I'm looking for five sentences ONLY - not the whole letter. The sentences don't have to be consecutive either (i.e. each sentence can be unrelated to each other sentence).

The idea is that you get the chance to practise achieving the right tone in your complaint. One problem that affects Scandinavian users of English in particular is the short step from being a wimp to using nuclear weapons! In other words, Scandinavians often have a problem expressing themselves firmly, without going over the top and using excessively harsh language.

If you haven't done this yet, check out the 'Complaints' section of Module 2 - there are some exercises there which could help you.

I'm also just about to start recording the next podcast, so listen out for further information there (I'm going to make some suggestions about the position you're in vis-à-vis the car rental company, and how this is likely to affect your choice of language, amongst other things).


Do you know what the 'red-eye' is? If not, look at the first Comment to this post where I've given you the answer.

If you're wondering where the idea for 'The Hire Car from Hell' came from, it was inspired by a scene from that great movie, Planes, Trains and Automobiles (Steve Martin and the late John Candy). You can read more about it on this site:

and then scroll down on the left until you come to the link for the film.


Blogger David Richardson said...

The 'red-eye' is a flight which leaves one time zone late at night in that zone, and arrives in another time zone in the morning in that one. Discomfort on the flight is one factor, and jet lag is another.

A typical 'red-eye' is the flight from LA to New York. People using it to go to a business meeting in New York typically arrive with red rings round their eyes, since they've had a very disturbed night on the plane, and have to go straight into high-powered meetings.

Flying from New York to Stockholm is a similar experience (leaving New York at about 6pm, local time, gets you into Stockholm at about 10 am, local time … but you feel like death warmed-up when you arrive!).

12:52 AM  
Blogger David Richardson said...

(I'm re-posting this for Maló - it should have appeared here.)

1- I´m grateful that you could hire me a car this rainy and busy day in Now York.
2- I got surprised when I saw a dirty car but had no choice.
3-The car didn´t have washer fluid and the breaks broke down on freeway.
4-I had to pay extra for the tow truck. Next day I got in touch with your company, with a number of complaints. They told me the charges would be adjusted. They promissed to pay back the $50 for the tow truck and give a 50% discount of the total amount.
5-I took my flight back to Europe att 11:00 PM and your office was deserted. You left at 9:00PM. I wrote a note and dropped into the key return box.
5a-Now, I´m surpresed when a look att my card statment: you debited full amout and there is no sign of the promissed compensation.

I hope your company stand for what we agreed apon and resolve this matter.


4:55 AM  

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